Friday, July 23, 2010

I don't know what it says about me that I get excited to see Better Homes and Gardens in my mailbox. I used to view BHG as a more pedestrian, suburban shelter magazine. Also, not long ago, I couldn't have cared less about the whole "and Gardens" part of their content. (I'm still not much of a gardener. Okay, I'm not a gardener at all, but now I can appreciate a pretty garden, even if I'm too lazy to plant one of my own.) Either they've stepped up their game or I have moved into their demographic, but it has become one of the magazines I most look forward to receiving every month.The sunny, cheerful August issue was right up my alley.

The cover had me at the turquoise, yellow and apple green color scheme. Ninety percent of my house is made up of these colors, so when I opened my mailbox yesterday, I felt like this issue was made just for me. I am only slightly less obsessed with all manner of blue-green blends than House of Turquoise.

The feature on tiny bathrooms hit close to home, too! (Tiny anything relates to my house, but our teensy, lone bathroom especially needs help. Well, really, it needs another bathroom to keep it company, but that's not happening anytime soon.) Also, "Fifty Ways to Eat a Peach"? I will take that challenge. Bathroom storage, hydrangeas, peaches and turquoise = a good hour of reading enjoyment for me.

Sure, I still like to dream and drool over the spreads in House Beautiful and Elle Decor, but I think good ol' BHG offers some fantastic inspiration for affordable, attainable design. View the digital edition of the August issue here.

Don't forget to enter my $50 giveaway! Remember, there are three ways to enter, and make sure you leave a comment for each method of entry!

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