Monday, April 23, 2012

Where did April go?

I am waiting on photos to show everyone from Dean's first birthday and his friend Penny's, and our upstairs renovation is really petering out (right now we are waiting--very impatiently, I might add--on our carpet installer).

I did want to share one exciting thing, though! Even though we haven't moved our bedroom upstairs yet, we have been taking every opportunity to use the tub and shower. Yes, the tub is in, and it is everything I ever wanted.

So, there's still cardboard on the floor, yes (we are keeping it there until we are finished moving stuff into the closet, like the washer and dryer). And you have to climb the rough, unfinished steps to get up there. But it's all worth it.

We've bathed both kiddos in it, too. Graham is a huge fan; Dean, not so much. I think the tall walls made him feel a little trapped.

The herringbone marble behind it looks even better than I imagined it would. I luuuurrrve it.

It is seriously my mood board dream come to life. All that's missing to finish off the bathroom are medicine cabinets (and if Seth is keeping track, for, oh, I don't know a birthday or anniversary present, the West Elm martini side table in silver. Ahem).

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