Friday, June 1, 2012

Seth for President! A Surprise 35th Birthday Party

My sweet husband has a May birthday that often gets overlooked in the hustle and bustle of such a busy month--weddings, graduations, and Mother's Day don't leave a lot of free weekend time for celebrating much else. This year looked to be even busier than ever with our remodel, our older son "graduating" from preschool, a new nephew on the way, and our younger son starting to walk.

I really didn't want Seth's 35th birthday to get lost in the shuffle (I figure, when you get past 21, the birthdays ending in fives and zeros seem like the only milestones left). A friend of mine mentioned that at 35, Seth would be legally eligible to be President of the United States, which made me giggle at first, and then made me hop on the ol' theme train.

I based the invitation (loosely, ha) on a vintage JFK campaign poster. My sweet friends Frank and Brandon very graciously offered up their house. We couldn't really decorate the outside for fear of giving the surprise away. I think all the planning and secrecy worked, at least judging by this photo. If he is not surprised here, he is at least very frightened.

You guys! What in the?
I set up a simple dessert table of some of Seth's favorite treats, keeping the red, white and blue color scheme in mind: red velvet whoopie pies, cherry cream pie parfaits, cherry sour candies, and berries with fruit dip. My mom made an INSANE cake: chocolate cake with peanut butter cream cheese filling and white chocolate buttercream frosting. I still dream about that cake . . . Sorry, what was I talking about? Oh!

Pardon all the shadows here--it was a very bright/shadowy time of day.

He really is, y'all.

We kept the food kind of all-American--hot dogs, veggie dogs, potato salad, that kind of stuff.

I made some SETH buttons for guests to wear in support of our candidate.

Happy birthday, hon! I hope you enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. Quite informative post on this surprise birthday party and hope it was a good one. Few weeks ago, I arranged my cousin’s birthday at an excellent venue New York. Decorated this venue and had a lovely party there with our dear ones.
